We hope to see you at our second Statera Cares event in October!

For this event, we will be supporting Tan’s Treats, an organization that is dedicated to serving the needs of the children in our community. Each year, thousands of children in the United States get out of school for the weekend and return home to a small supply of food. Their needs during the week are being met with school breakfast and lunch, but they are left to go hungry over the weekend.

On October 9th, we want to gather at Tan’s Treats to pack food and offer our support to our community. We would be grateful to see you there! Feel free to bring friends and family along. Please register for this event below.

If you are not able to make the event, don’t fret! This organization is able to receive donations either through nonperishable foods or funds. Click here to view a list of foods they accept and click here if you would like to donate funds

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at (435) 673-6350. 

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