We are



The foundation of a strong Financial Plan is far more than having a diversified portfolio within your risk tolerance. It’s about making difficult decisions that continue to occur throughout your life in ALL areas of your financial world. With specific expertise in wealth management, we are committed to helping you navigate life’s decisions alongside the advice of your CPA, Attorney, and other professional advisors.

Let us help you find balance.

Why statera wealth?

We help to protect, maximize, and grow your wealth so you can live without the fear of outlasting your money.

The foundation of a strong Financial Plan is far more than having a diversified portfolio within your risk tolerance. It’s about making difficult decisions that continue to occur throughout your life in ALL areas of your financial world. With specific expertise in wealth management, we are committed to helping you navigate life’s decisions alongside the advice of your CPA, Attorney, and other professional advisors.

Our Services

Comprehensive financial planning is holistic. It is about more than “money”. A comprehensive financial plan is not only built around your goals, but also around your core values. What matters most to you in life? How does your wealth relate to that? What should your wealth help you accomplish? What could it accomplish for others? This is where we can help. We bring it all together to develop customized approach that is tailored to you.

Wealth University is our platform for providing financial education to our community. For years we have been educating the public on topics relating to achieving YOUR dream retirement. You can see what upcoming classes we have available to keep yourself educated on navigating your golden years.

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